12 communities honoured at Meghalaya’s ‘Community Talks’ for livelihood initiatives
A programme celebrating the communities of Meghalaya for their efforts toward community-driven progress and livelihood improvement was held on November 29 at the State Convention Centre in Shillong.
Named Community Talks, the event, now in its second edition, was organized by the Meghalaya Basin Management Agency (MBMA) as part of initiatives of the Meghalaya Livelihoods and Access to Markets Project (Megha-LAMP), an Externally Aided Project of the Government of Meghalaya supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
A total of 12 communities and individuals from across the State were felicitated during the event. where they shared their experiences and practical knowledge on topics such as traditional farming practices, women empowerment, farmer collectivization, entrepreneurship, financial inclusion, and community organization.
First held in December 2022, this initiative continues to highlight success. stories and good practices that often remain underrecognized due to limited documentation or exposure to ensure wider dissemination,

Speaking at the event, Gunanka D.B., IFS, Joint Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya and Executive Director of the Meghalaya Basin Development Authority (MBDA), emphasized that the programme is centered on the communities of Meghalaya.
He highlighted the importance of collaboration, noting that developmental initiatives cannot be sustained without the active involvement of communities. He pointed out that most MBMA and MBDA projects are community- led, with challenges identified by the people and solutions developed collaboratively. This approach ensures that successes are the result of the communities’ own efforts.
He stressed the significance of forums like Community Talks, which inspire others by showcasing achievements, and highlighted the value of exposure visits and cross-learning opportunities, facilitated nationally and internationally, in motivating and equipping communities for greater accomplishments.
Gunanka concluded by underscoring the importance of empowering community stewards and leaders, stating that sustainable development is achievable only when such individuals take charge. He urged these champions to scale up their successful initiatives and set an example for others. encouraging the rise of new leaders who can contribute to the development of their communities. While state-level programmes like Community Talks bring visibility, he suggested organizing similar initiatives at the block and village levels to strengthen connections with grassroots communities.
In his address, Nirajan Khadka from IFAD highlighted the significance of learning and knowledge exchange, emphasizing the role of community gatherings as platforms for collaboration and shared progress. He reaffirmed IFAD’s commitment to empowering farmers and advancing rural
development, particularly by supporting smallholders, marginalized groups, and inclusive growth.
The event saw the participation of over 300 community members from across the State, officials from various state government departments and representatives of development agencies.

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