24×7 COVID-19 Control Rooms activated in East Jaintia Hills

The Deputy Commissioner, East Jaintia Hills District in a press release issued here inform the general public that in pursuance to Health Department’s Advisory for decentralizing of Covid-19 Management, the entire East Jaintia Hills District has been divided into different Zones Gram Sevak Circle-wise with Zonal Officers/Assisting Zonal Officers with their Contact Numbers available round the clock.
He also requested the general public to contact the Zonal Officers/Assisting Zonal Officers or the Doctor in-charge of nearest CHC/PHC/Sub PHC assigned to different zones under which their place of residence falls for any Covid-19 related assistance. This arrangement is put in place so as to ensure quick and timely response to any Covid-19 related requirements of the public in these respective areas particularly for reporting sickness, symptoms, etc.
Furthermore, the Control Rooms (24×7) have also been set up in Deputy Commissioner’s office, DM&HO Office and C&RD Block Offices. The DC Office Control Room Phone No. 7628079707/7628078735, DM & HO Office Control Room Phone No. 03655-230605, Khliehriat C& RD Block Control Room Phone No. 7005877634 and Saipung C & RD Block Control Room Phone No. 8837469658. DPRO | Khliehriat
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