3 days Workshop on making puppets to be held in Shillong
The State Council of Science Technology & Environment, Meghalaya under its popularization of Science Programme is organizing two Workshops; “Workshop on Innovative Experiments in Physics” and “Workshop on Puppetry.”
The workshop will be held on Friday, Saturday and Monday in parallel sessions at Shillong Science Centre, NEHU Campus from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
The workshop will be attended by Science Teachers, B.Ed students, NGOs, MSW students and the Maths and Science Ambassadors of the state.
Dr. M. A. Jyrwa, i/c Principal College of Teacher Education (PGT), Shillong will graced the inaugural session as the Chief Guest, Dr. B. K. Tyagi, Scientist ‘F’ from Vigyan Prasar, New Delhi along with his team will lead the Technical sessions during the three day Workshops.
The Workshop on Innovative Experiments in Physics will equip the Science teachers with different interesting teaching modules to make concepts, principles and theories in Physics clearer among students.
The Workshop on Puppetry on the other hand will train on the art of making puppets and script writing and the use of its form in creating awareness among citizens of the state on many superstitious beliefs and prevalent social issues.
Featured Image Source | Manfred Antranias Zimmer from Pixabay
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