46882.12 MT of seized coal to be auction in West Jaintia Hills
In accordance with the guidelines set by the National Green Tribunal (NGT) committee, the Deputy Commissioner of West Jaintia Hills has informed all concerned and interested parties/bidders that the public auction for the wholesome disposal of the seized coal located at four different places in the district shall be carried out on August 1.
The total quantity of coal to be auctioned is 46,882.12 MT. This includes Phramer Traffic Cell, Phramer: 70 MT, Police Reserve, Jowai: 45,760 MT, Khlookynring: 21.12 MT and in different locations in Shkentalang and its adjoining places: 1,031 MT of coal.
The Minimum rate per Metric Tonne (in Rs) is set at 2,160.00. The date and time of the Auction is scheduled for 1st August 2023 at 12:30 PM. The Place of auction will be at the office of the Deputy Commissioner, West Jaintia Hills District, Jowai.
Interested bidders should submit their bids in sealed envelopes on plain paper, clearly stating their quoted price in both words and numbers. The sealed envelopes containing the bids should be submitted on or before 31st July 2023, by 3.00 pm. Along with the bid, details of the name, address, and identity card of the bidder(s) should be enclosed.
To participate, bidders are required to enclose an amount of Rs. 10,000.00 (Rupees ten thousand only) as earnest money in the form of a deposit on call, made in favor of the Deputy Commissioner, West Jaintia Hills District.
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