47th C&RD Block created in Western Range of Meghalaya
With four months more for the Assembly Elections, the Meghalaya Govt on Friday created the 47th Community & Rural Development (C&RD) Block in Western Range of Meghalaya.
According to notification issued vide No.CDD65/2022/64 Dated 21/10/2022, the Governor of Meghalaya notified the creation of Siju Community & Rural Development Block in the State with immediate effect.
The Siju C&RD Block in South Garo Hills District will comprise of 135 villages. With the creation of Siju Block, these listed villages will cease to exist in their respective earlier C&RD Blocks.
The villages are namely:
1. A.simgre
2. Rongchekgre
3. Chigitchakgre
4. Choklokgittim
5. Karukol Adingre
6. Karukol Konagittim
7. Wakru Ading
8. Karukol Matchokgaakram
9. Nosinpa Gittim
10. Sempilgittim
11. Goka Songmong
12. Balkal Watregittim
13. Balkal Dongrugittim
14. Tainang Songmong
15. Karolkol Tainang
16. Tainang Matcha Nokpante
17. Rongrengpal
18. Karukol Bugakol
19. Karukol Jalaigre
20. Dawakol
21. Alopnag Bobragittim
22. Alokpang Songgticham
23. Goka Karukol
24. Goka Imika
25. Goka Pepchandal
26. Aruak Nokatgre
27. Aruakgre
28. Gongjagre
29. Dadugre
30: Aruak Songgital (Chibe Gittim)
31. Eman Warima
32. Eman Gatabil
33. Rompagre
34. Megadopgre
35. Ringramgre
36. Eman Marakgittim
37. Eman Doku Awe
38. Emangre
39. Dabalgre
40. Chibegre
41. Nengrut
42. Seel Adugre
43. Jantagre
44. Bunakol (Nengkong)
45. Rongmatma
46. Mandang
47. Aruakgre
48. Matmagittik
49. Chibe Songgangget
50. Nengkong Dorotgittim.
51. Nengkong Songmong
52. Siju Duramong
53. Siju Songmong
54. Siju Asak Banda
55. Siju Rongkeng Gittim
56 Siju Gangga Awe
57. Siju Dobakol
58. Siju Tengki Gittim
59. Siju Medical Colony
60. Siju Rangpinram
61. Siju Dochetgittim
62. Siju Damik Gittim
63. Siju Rongmikgittim
64 Dapsri garugittim
65. Nenggu Gittim
66. Tolegre
67. Tolebrugittim
68. Siju Jadi Gindam
69. Rongdong
70. Badri Rongdong Kamagittim
71. Jaisru Gittim
72. Darang Dura
73. Badri Rongdong
74. Badri Watre Gittim
75. Rongding Awe
76. Maidu Gittim
77. Era Aning
78. Agreng Gittim
79. Gare Ringdi Gittim
80. Jadi Gittim
81. Jadi Bajar
82. Coal India Colony
83. Lower Pathalgittim
84. Pathal Gittim
85. Rongsa Awe
86. Mengkul Gittim
87. Darang Boldak
88 Darang Akep
89. Darang Nengsrang Gittim
90. Darang Chiga
91. Darang Daju Gittim
92 Jongsin Gittim
93. Nengbrek Gittim
94 Jangkal Gittim
95. Nongal Colony
96. Nongal Bibra
97. Nengmitugittim
98. Chekwegittim
99. Nongal Bazar(A)
100. Dobakol Awemong
101. Imbikgittim
102. Rongkandi Bolsal Gittim
103. Rongkandi Dengjama
104. Rongkandi Songgital
105. Dobakol Changkalgittim
106. Dobakol Nengjagittim
107. Gare Nengjabing
108. Gare Songmong
109. Sudugre
110. Sudu Boldak
111. Sudu Nengjaring
112. Rongsu Agal
113. Rongsu Rongwakgittim
114. Dawekgittim
115. Mongbetgittim
116. Rongrigittim
117. Kalu Songmonggittim
118. Siju Dajonggittim
119. Siju songgital
120. Dallenggitim
121. Hangsapal
122. Mongmabel
123. Matchirampat
124. Medugittim
125. Meengittim
126. Rewak Songmong
127. Daburam
128. Kambepal
129. Siju Ariteka
130. Watregittim
131. Rongjakgittim
132. Mallengma
133. Rongaigittim
134. Chandrasuk
135. Balkal Dakopgre
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