7 doctors from Meghalaya nominated for IMA-DD Award
The Meghalaya State Chapter of Indian Medical Association has nominated the names of seven doctors for the IMA Doctors’ Day Award for their work during Covid Pandemic for the year 2020-2021.
These include Dr (Late) John Sailo Ryntathiang MD Medicine BETHANY Hospital (He succumbed to Covid), Dr. Christina Lyngdoh, NAZARETH Hospital (For doing good work in vaccination in a trust Hospital), Dr. K G Lynrah NEIGRIHMS Hospital (Covid care and covid critical management at tertiary care level), Dr. Valerie Lyngdoh NEIGRIHMS Hospital (Microbiology Laboratory support for Covid testing at tertiary care level), Dr S. Nongbri Government of Meghalaya (Covid care – nominated by Principal Secretary Health), Dr Andreas Dkhar Government of Meghalaya Covid care- nominated by Principal Secretary Health) and Dr. Ivonne M Sangma from NHM doing good work in Primary and Covid care arena.
The list has been duly vetted by Dr C Daniala President and Dr Bhaskar Borgohain Honorary Secretary, IMA Meghalaya State Chapter. According to the association, the final awardees list will be decided tomorrow by the Central National committee of IMA.

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