72 artisans and entrepreneurs attend Export awareness seminar in Itanagar
The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry and Export Promotion for Council for Handicrafts jointly organized an export awareness seminar under the Niryat Bandhu Scheme of DGFT at Itanagar on Friday.
The key speakers of the seminar were eminent exporter Jesmina Zeliang, regional convenor, Export Promotion Council of Handicrafts (NER); Vishnu Kant, Deputy Director (DGFT), PK Das, Assistant Director MSME DFO, Haj Dodung, Director, Textile & Handicrafts, Arunachal Pradesh; Dhiraj Upadhyaya, Marketing Executive, Department of Post; Mibin Dirchi DC Handicrafts HSC Itanagar; Siddhartha Tyagi, Deputy Director, EPCH, New Delhi among other banking and industry stakeholders.
The seminar was attended by 72 artisans, entrepreneurs and NGOs from Itanagar and nearby clusters including the representatives from Northeast Multipurpose Development Society.
During her welcome address, Jesmina Zeliang – who is also an eminent exporter of handicrafts & Handlooms from the Northeast region urged the entrepreneurs of Arunachal Pradesh to come forward and avail the business opportunities and export marketing platform being offered to them by EPCH including know-how about export-related issues, including market selection, product adaptation, quality standards and compliance requirements.

Vishnu Kant, Deputy Director (DGFT) gave an overview of the various support initiatives offered by DGFT. He said that the office of the DGFT is extensively working in all eight states of the Northeast region to convert entrepreneurs into exporters.
Haj Dodung, Director, Department of Textiles & Handicrafts, Arunachal Pradesh emphasized the need for a long-term and comprehensive handloading to the entrepreneurs by EPCH and DGFT. He also pointed out the necessity for artisans to receive training in packaging and branding to effectively compete in the market.

Siddhartha Tyagi, Deputy Director EPCH, presented an in-depth overview of Exports – What, Where and How for the attendees and informed them about the various backward and forward linkages as well as export marketing initiatives of the council that are beneficial in handicrafts exports.
The seminar was organised to enhance the awareness and understanding among potential exporters and e-commerce exporters regarding various facets of exporting. Through interactive sessions, presentations, trainings and discussions, participants gained insights into export procedures, policies and opportunities thus empowering them to navigate the global trade landscapes more effectively. Exporters were assisted in accessing new markets and diversifying their export destinations through market research, trade missions, buyer-seller meets, and participation in international trade fairs and exhibitions.
The participants asked several queries that were answered by the speakers. The seminar helped in collaborating with various stakeholders and government departments to work in the direction of handicrafts and handlooms export facilitation from the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

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