75 days COVID vaccination drive launched

A special 75 days – ‘COVID Vaccination Amrit Mahotsava’ has commenced from Friday to 30th September, next.
The initiative is to provide free Precaution Dose at all adult (18 years and above) eligible population at Government COVID Vaccination Centres (CVCs).
Being implemented in a ‘Mission Mode’ this special COVID vaccination drive is a part of the celebration for Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.
The special drive is aimed to increase uptake for the Precaution Dose of COVID Vaccine among the eligible adult population.
Free precaution dose will be provided at all Government Covid Vaccination Centres for persons aged 18 years & above.
People eligible for the Precaution Dose include all persons of ≥18 years who have completed 6 months (or 26 weeks) from the date of administration of 2nd dose.
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