Additional activities are permitted in East Jaintia Hills District

The Deputy Commissioner, East Jaintia Hills District in a press release issued here informs the general public that in compliance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India and order issued by the Government of Meghalaya. The following additional activities are permitted in East Jaintia Hills District with effect from 29th of May, 2020. These activities include operation of private establishments with 33 % employee strength and non – contact sports excluding gymnasiums.
The Deputy Commissioner also stated that domestic air travel of passengers and travel agencies has been deleted from the list of the prohibitory activities in East Jaintia Hills District with effect from 28th of May, 2020.
In addition, the public are requested to strictly maintain personal hygiene and maintain social distancing and to frequently wash their hand with soap and water. They are also requested not to shake hands, not to touch eyes, nose and mouth without washing your hands, not to sneeze or cough in your hands without covering your nose and mouth, not to spit in public places and to avoid close contact with a person who has cough, sneeze or fever. All these aforesaid regulation should be followed and adhere by all.
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