Additional activities permitted in East Khasi Hills
The East Khasi Hills District Magistrate has informed that in pursuance to the order of Home (Political) Department, Government of Meghalaya dated 17.09.2021, the following restrictions/relaxations will take effect in the District from September 20 till further orders.
As per the order, NIGHT CURFEW will be promulgated under Section 144 CrPC from 9:00 PM to 5:00 AM daily in East Khasi Hills District. There shall be a total ban on movement during this time
Opening of shops and other economic activities (both essential and non-essential) including teer counters are permitted upto 6 days a week. They shall close by 6:30 PM sharp.
Restaurants, cafes, teashops, bars, takeaway services, saloons/beauty parlors and gymnasiums shall close by 8:00 PM.
Shops including vendors will remain closed on Sundays. Dine-in establishments, public parks and tourist spots which have received permission from this office/ concerned SDO (C) may open on Sundays as per the conditions already issued.
All shops shall prominently display vaccination status.
Home Delivery Services in respect of food establishments and other delivery services will be permitted within curfew relaxation hours.
Public and private transport will continue as per order No.C&S.2/CVD/2021/ORD/290 dated 04.09.2021.
Border Haats are permitted to re-open subject to strict compliance to SOPs and recommendation of the Border Haat Management Committee and with prior approval from this office. All vendors/vendees are encouraged to get themselves vaccinated prior to re-opening of the haats.
Funeral gatherings are permitted upto a maximum of 50 persons at any point of time.
Engagement/marriage ceremonies outside places of worships are permitted with prior permission from this office, with the following conditions:
Private residence: Upto one-third the seating capacity or 50 persons in total, whichever is less.
Halls/Open Areas: Upto one-third the seating capacity or 100 persons in total, whichever is less
All other conditions/restrictions/relaxations and curfew exemptions contained in the order dated 04.09.2021 will continue till further orders.
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