Advisory issued for ensuring speedy completion of repair of NH-6 in East Jaintia Hills
In compliance with the order issued by the High Court of Meghalaya, the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) has commenced construction and repair works on National Highway-6 along the stretch from Lumshnong up to Malidor in East Jaintia Hills District, in full swing.
However, to ensure the speedy completion of the construction and repair works on the highly deteriorated National Highway, certain traffic regulations, in coordination between the Police and the Project Director of NHAI at locations specified by NHAI officials, have been worked out and will be implemented with immediate effect, according to an advisory issued by the Deputy Commissioner & Chairman, Disaster Management Authority, East Jaintia Hills District.
According to the advisory, Light Motor Vehicles (LMVs) for the public may ply with proper accessibility on both sides, while Heavy Motor Vehicles (HMVs) will ply on a one-way traffic basis with proper regulations enforced by the Police on duty.
At all stretches of ongoing works, NHAI will create signage for night visibility to prevent any untoward incidents during the entire process. Proper signboards/warning signage will be erected at strategic locations for public visibility, including dangerous locations such as bridges, culverts, and major potholes.

The Deputy Commissioner informed that if a full road blockage is required by NHAI for construction works, proper coordination with the Nodal Officer (Police Department) should be carried out with prior notice to ensure minimal disruption to public mobility.
The entire process should be properly coordinated between the Superintendent of Police and Project Director, NHAI, ensuring zero casualties and easier facilitation for the public.

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