AHAM ask NPP to remove Newar from position of Chief Executive Member GHADC

Making its stand clear that they will agitate till Rakesh Newar Sangma is no longer the Chief Executive Member, GHADC, the A•chik Holistic Awakening Movement on Friday urged the NPP to remove him from the present position as well as appealing to Newar to resign by himself.
The AHAM Central Executive Board took the executive decision to join hands alongwith other NGOs in the fight against the present controversial CEM of GHADC. They decided that they willl join in the agitations and the rally organised for the issue.
The AHAM President issued executive order to all the Units of the organisation including Assam State Zone to join the meeting on Monday,next since the issue is of A•chik nation.
The organisation maintained that there is nothing personal or communal about the issue but it is important that the head of the Institution build to uphold the traditions and culture should be a person who is brought up in the that culture and tradition and the head of that institution should be well versed with the traditions and culture.

The very existence of Garo culture and tradition is at grave danger when such positions are compromised just to satiate the political mileage, the AHAM President asserted.
GHADC is the institution which was established as the custodian of our culture and traditions and the A•chik nation cannot just be silent at the current scenario where their future is threatened.
The organisation notified to all the leaders of the organisation and its unit that the fight may be long, maybe a year, so it is important for the organisational leaders of AHAM that they are psychologically prepared for at least a year till the government heeds to the voice of the A•chik nation.
AHAM appealed to the people of Garo Hills to come and participate in the meeting on Monday and take the battle to each home, village, colonies, towns, and the whole Garo Hills, for the opportunity to stand for your people is at your doorstep.
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