All domestic workers to be covered under e-shram card: Shullai

Labour Minister Sanbor Shullai on Wednesday attended the labour day celebration organized by the National Domestic Workers Movement Meghalaya Unit at RLSSCO community hall at Lumshatsngi.
Addressing the occasion, Shullai assured that the department will take steps to ensure that all the domestic workers in Meghalaya are covered under eshram card. The e-Shram portal is built to create a national database of unorganized workers, which is seeded with an individual’s Aadhaar.
e-Shram Card Benefits includes Financial Support, Social Security Scheme Benefits, Job Opportunity, Bhima Yojana Insurance Cover.
Applauding the effort of the central government for ensuring that all the unorganized workers will benefit from e-sharm card, Labour Minister ensure the NDWM Meghalaya Unit that he will take up the matter with the state government for ensuring that the registered unorganized sector will also benefit from the state scheme.
Also present were Evangeline Shangpliang, Programme Coordinator, Wanpynhun Kharsyntiew, Advocacy and lobbying coordinator, Sister Delina Francis, laxmi Thapa Animator and
Neetu Gurung Team leader Greater Laban Domestic Union NDWM Meghalaya unit and Greater Laban domestic workers union.
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