Application invited for Deputy Director’s post on deputation

Applications are invited from officers for deputation to the posts of Deputy Director and Assistant Director in the Directorate of Community & Rural Development, Meghalaya. Deputation is for two posts of Deputy Director in the scale of pay of Level 18 of the Pay Matrix and two posts of Assistant Director in the scale of pay of Level 17 of the Pay Matrix.
Candidates should not exceed maximum 50 years for both posts and should have completed at least 5 years of service in case of Assistant Director.
Preference will be given to those who had already served in Blocks and having background and experience in planning and implementing of Rural Development Programmes in the State. Period of deputation is initially for one year, subject to extension.
Applications alongwith testimonials of age, qualification and service should be submitted through proper channel and should reach the office of the Additional Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya, Community & Rural Development Department on or before 15th December, 2020.
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