Ask passengers not to throw wastes from vehicles

JOWAI: The District Legal Service Authority in collaboration with the Jowai Shillong Tourist Cab Association, West Jaintia Hills today planted tree saplings and conducted clean drive from Riatturiem all along the Highway road to old Sumo Stand, Jowai. Participated by Smt. Daphi Sohtun, Secretary of District Legal Service Authority, Jowai, Dame H Pde, MPS, Assistant Commandant SF 10, Shillong, Executive members of the Tourist Cab Association and others.

Before the cleaning drive a short programme was held. D Sohtun in her short speech called upon everyone to be responsible citizens. She said Nature has blessed us with beautiful and plentiful scenic beauty which has attracted many visitors to the District, so it is the duty of each and everyone of us to keep our environment clean and conserve it. She adviced the Tourist drivers to promote environmental culture in themselves and also to the passengers and tourist to urge them not to throw waste from the vehicle or litter on the roads.

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