Bengali NGO to stage protest against Meghalaya in Kolkata

The All Bengali Youth & Students Organization (ABYSO) has decided to organize a protest against Meghalaya and the North East on November 5, next.
In an FB posting, ABYSO president Chandan Chatterjee said, “Come and join us in protest on 5 November, 2020 at Rash Behari Connector, Kolkata from 2 pm onwards. Raise your voice against Racism in Meghalaya and North East.”
Notably, the ABYSO were denied permission and security to visit Ichamati in East Khasi Hills district recently.
“…we do not recommend visits to Ichamati by your organization or other NGOs,” Under Secretary, Home (Political) Department, P Jyrwa said in her letter to the ABYSO president Chandan Chatterjee..
The ABYSO has sought permission to visit Ichamati on October 21, last.

She said the state government has conducted an enquiry in this matter, the report of which has been submitted to the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.
The enquiry was ordered by Deputy Commissioner, East Khasi Hills district comprising the members of the District Child Protection Committee wherein a joint inspection was conducted.
Please limit the present agitation in Meghalaya only. Do not include other NE states for the tomebeing, so that the effect of the agitation should be on Meghalaya only.
I was born and broughtup in Shillong.lost my class mate Ratish ghosh in 1979.
My head hangs in shame – are we in the 21st century or living in Afghanistan. I m born and brought up iN Shillong and so to speak I have close ties with many local families there .. I have lived in their homes., so close we were. And today this is the state of affairs in Shillong. It is pity. Thank god I live out of my country. I must say that you livelihoods depend in many ways in so called non tribals coz of their taxes to central Govt, your state is surviving and you are enjoying the luxury Building cottages and having multiple cars. Aptly called Scotland of east albeit at the cost of others. My advise let and let live.
This chief minister of Meghalaya is absolutely bogus. He talks smart but done nothing to safeguard bengali community.
He is just a puppet .the state is runed by the pressure groups
Do not limit the present agitation in Meghalaya only. Include all other NE states as well. The liberal nature is taken for granted by communities who treats those as racists.
Follow Himanta biswa sarma. He is right Assamese hindu, thinking for Assam. Not like coward KSU.
We do not want more infiltration from bengalee community to our state. You can come and enjoy as visitors or labourers or for bussiness purposes but not as ruler or traitor. You start the game to rule and at the end you play the game as victims .
To all the Bengalis residing inside and outside of Meghalaya. The message that we are sending across is that we are against the illegal infiltration of Bengalis who hails from Bangladesh coming to our state and making our state as a permanent home.
Who will decide the bengalis residing inside or outside Meghalaya are Bangladeshis? You people have certain mindset that all Bengalis are Bangladeshis. This is not your job.
T onky you , BJP is also against illegal immigrants. Ask KSU to support NRC and CAA. Let every Indian get one identity.
plz undetstand we r not against genuine banglis who r citizens oa india only immigrants from bangla
Johanna brother, I know the fact very well that most Khasi’ s are very good in nature, above 85% fall under this category, but you have to accept that around 15% are there who does not believe in sharing. I know it very well because I was born and brought up in shillong. My father was there from 1965 and most of my friends were khasis but still we have to leave shillong which we never wanted. I loved my birth place so much that it always hurts me of leaving such a wonderful place.
I am from Northeast India and I am proud to be an Indian.I have many Bengali friends in my neighbourhood but we never felt each other different .Many tourists visit our place .
But we all are against the illegal settlement of any foreigner in Northeast and instead the whole nation should.The ongoing matter should be resolved and the alleged must be punished.But those who missay about Northeast must place a mirror to front of the self.They are calling Northeast racist but what about those Northeastern citizens who move out from home to other parts of the country in the sake of belief that it is their motherland but they never get that respect they deserve in their country.We Northeastern are never accepted Indian outside Northeast but often called Chinese.Why is this and what is this?The others who live outside Northeast must change their mindset earlier against the Northeast .
We are Indian and we will always be .
We must start a genocide against meghalaya and assam. Else all the Bengalis will be tortured there. Kick out all the North easterns
For your kind information every bengali born as Indians.
So requested who thinks opposite about bengalis nationality can take tution from a well versed tutor having ability to to pump the knowledge.
For your kind information every bengali born as Indians.
So requested who thinks opposite about bengalis nationality can take tution from a well versed tutor having ability to pump the knowledge.
Where is this proxy coming from. The local people who were peacefully holding a rally were attacked in this particular incident at Ichamati leading to the death of one, a breadwinner of the family.
Why spread fake news and politicise the issue. What’s the hidden agenda?
At first accept a bengali born in Meghalaya is local. You have to change your mindset. Khasi people are enjoying everywhere in India and you ask dkhar to leave Meghalaya. Kickout Bangladeshi Muslim immigrants out. Join hand with Himanta Biswa sarma.
Please understand us we are not againgst the Bengalis who live in India but we are against those Bengalis who live in Bangladesh as they have killed one of our people but justice have not been serve please understand.
Why not ksu check the identity of each Bangladeshi at PB on every Sunday morning. The labourers in Ladrimbai and many other places.
Then why in the banner written that all bengolies are bangladeshis..,?
I do not understand why this issue is on the rise day by day as it is just happened yesterday or today,taking advantage of the different incidences since 1979 who know behind this scene who were the real victim and who were the real offender or invader of our society during this year we all know that huge number of influx through the border of Northeast to different part of the country is uncountable in number and still today also most of the Bengalees staying on the land of khasi and other tribal land in the border still increase their number by bringing their kith and kins from Bangladesh by way of marriage and in search of work as daily labourers without any officially valid documents and later on after getting some kind of valid official document somehow,they slowly started moving to some metro cities of the country and made their permanent settlement.Now we have seen that these same people who were in majority now across the country are trying to bypass the administration and traditional laws of the land by playing victims.Dont try to create difference and disturbance anymore across the country without proper knowledge,and I would also like to request the home ministry to kindly initiate proper survey and enquiry across the border to verify such kind of anomalies in the name of influx of outsiders by verifying their documents…
Did all the North East (excluding Meghalaya) stop Bangali NGO’s to visit Ichamati ?? Did Nagaland , Assam, Manipur , mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh , Tripura and Sikkim stop this Bangali NGO’S to visit Ichamati at East Khasi Hills because Mr Chatterjee post included all North East . So im curious.
KSU must be banned as soon as possible. Cus KSU hate Non Tribals to the core of their heart and I have experienced it and heard it with their own mouth. They treated me like I am some outsider and told me not to come to that particular place or else next time if they see me they will beat me to death.. I was surrounded by 20 to 25 Guys all KSU… They call it student Union but around 30% of them are not even student at all.. Some are too Old, some are Just Kids and Some are drunk totally just want to fight or ready to beat a Non Tribal.. And don’t say victim card cus here it’s KSU and we all know that they hate NON TRIBALS cus they have showed it and proved it everytime.. This is the only student Union which consist of Old Men and Little Kids and some they have never been to school or college at all yet they are from Student Union hahaha??