Bernard denies assault charges filed by GHADC EM

BJP MDC from Tura Bernard N Marak on Monday categorically denied the assault charges filed by GHADC executive member Dhormonath Sangma against him.
In a statement, Bernard claimed that there was a heated argument for alloting only Rs 9.70 lakh to Tura constituency through the local MDC and calling him as an opposition even after supporting the present EC.
“Moreover, it was informed that CM and Dr M Chuba Ao put the Tura MDC in opposition and claimed all the money meant for Tura constituency. The MDCs always blamed other leaders whereas they themselves manipulate the schemes meant for the public,” he said.
Ao is currently the BJP Meghalaya Incharge.

“They lied about CM and Dr Ao and also about the fund, with sole intention to create a division in the coalition. Now they revealed that Rs 1.57 crore was sanctioned for Tura but all the proposals submitted by Tura MDC were rejected,” the MDC said while alleging that the previous tenders under 15th Finance were cancelled and re-alloted the tenders in the favour of their contractors.
He further alleged that the funds are diverted from public related projects which he had submitted for repairing of GHADC quarters which are not public related development at all.
Stating that he cannot deprive and betray my people and area for the sake of their lies, Bernard said, “The proposed repairing of quarters of CEM Benedict Marak, Grahambell Sangma and Anseng Sangma (both brother in laws of CM) costed Rs 20,00,000/- each and total coming to 1 crore which they put under Tura area. The cost was over estimated by the EC as it would have costed hardly 5 lakh. Tura is my area and they intruded into my area without my knowledge and taking away my area’s developmental funds for their own benefit.”
He said that 15th Finance Commission had sanctioned tied and untied grants for development of rural and urban areas but “they were attempting to siphon off the money violating the guidelines of the 15th Finance”.
“I cannot let my people be deprived by such corrupt practices and I will not keep quiet. I request the CM and Dr Chuba Ao to look into the matter as in all the wrong things happening in GHADC they blame BJP incharge and Chief Minister for keeping me in the opposition which has not been sanctioned constitutionally under the Sixth Schedule,” he stated.
Bernard added, “They intruded into my area without informing me and tried to take away the funds meant for the people through these over estimated projects. They should have atleast consulted me in utilising the fund as I was the MDC in Tura and part of the coalition.”
The BJP MDC also reminded that BJP and NPP is in coalition at the Centre and the State. “How am I stand as an opposition without constitutional sanction in GHADC?” he asked.
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