BJP MDC tore copy of resolution while JHADC call for incorporation of traditional administrative institutions under Article 280
Creating history in the floor of the Jaintia Hills Autonomous District Council (JHADC)’s House, BJP MDC from Nangbah Lakhon Biam in fits of anger on Thursday tore a copy of the resolution moved for authorizing the Dolloi of the various Elaka to collect taxes or tolls from produces within their respective elaka.
The resolution was moved by Executive Member F Bareh during the first day of the winter session where he urged the House resolute to approve and empower the Dolloi’s to collect the tolls or taxes within the meaning of Section 5 of the terms and conditions of the Sanad issued to Dolloi under Section 5 of Jaintia Hills Autonomous District (Establishment of Elaka and Village and Election, Appointment, Powers, Functions and Jurisdiction of Dolloi’s/Sirdar and Waheh Shnong) Act 2015.
Opposing the resolution, Biam lambasted the Executive Committee for not daring to set up monitoring gates in the cement plants but courageous to exploit the poor people through the tolls and taxes to be levy by the Dolloi. He also tore a copy of the resolution to express his stern opposition.
BJP MDC from Sumer Krison Langstang opposing the resolution said that it will to frequent toppling of Dolloi and to the worst extent killing of Dolloi for securing the position of Dolloi for easy and hefty amount of money through the collection of taxes and tolls.

Meanwhile, the House approved the report for formulation of JHADC Forest Policy for paving way for legislating of JHADC Forest Act and Rules as the existing Forest Acts adopted by JHADC from the era of United Khasi Jaintia District Council have become redundant.
The House also passed a resolution for urging the Rajya Sabha and the Parliament to incorporate the traditional institutions of tribal administration of the indigenous tribes of Jaintia Hills headed by the traditional customary chiefs elected under the supervision of JHADC as to augment the Consolidated Fund of the State in Article 280 of the Indian Constitution by inserting Clause (3) sub clause (ca) of the Constitution (One hundred and twenty fiflth amendment) Bill 2019.
The House also introduced the Amendment Bill to the Jaintia Hills Autonomous District (Establishment of Elaka and Village and Election, Appointment, Powers, Functions and Jurisdiction of Dolloi’s/Sirdar and Waheh Shnong) Act 2015 for including the Papang Clan and the Mynso Clan in the list of eligible clans for contesting the Shangpung Dolloiship Election.

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