BJP launches booklet on ‘8 years of seva, sushasan & garib kalyan’ at Tura
‘8 Years of Seva, Sushasan & Garib Kalyan’ booklet was launched on Tuesday by BJP National Vice President, Dr. M. Chuba Ao, BJP North East General Secretary (Organization), Ajay Jamwal and BJP State President, Ernest Mawrie at Tura, West Garo Hills District.
The programme was attended by the state office bearers, state executive members and karyakartas.
In his speech, Ajay Jamwal stressed upon how in the last 8 years there has been a paradigm shift towards a more people centric governance under the leadership of our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.
He also highlighted how the last 8 years had been about fulfilling the people’s aspirations through the various central schemes which have reached most nooks and corners of our country including our state. He looked back at the last 8 years as a journey of development.
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