BJP says massive rain damages in Garo Hills was due to govt’s failure to implement ATS

BJP leader and MDC from Tura Bernard N Marak on Thursday alleged that the government’s failure to implement the Agreed Text for Settlement (ATS) has led to massive damages by flash floods triggered due to heavy rainfall in Garo Hills region.
“The wooden bridges washed away during flash floods and massive damage to internal roads were due to lapses in implementing the Agreed Text for Settlement,” Marak said in a statement.
He said the BJP government, after coming to power, took utmost care to end militancy by settling the demands in tripartite agreements.
Stating that the central government was often misled and given half-truth pictures, Marak said that failure to monitor the implementation by the monitoring committee which failed to sit as agreed proved fatal as people continue to face hardships on the ground.
“In the ATS, it was agreed in para 6.3 that the road connectivity in Garo Hills needs priority attention. In this regard both the Centre and the State Government have taken several initiatives and efforts will be made to complete the projects on schedule,” he said.
“The project of double landing of Shillong-Nongstoin-Tura road has already been commenced on the ground. Substantial outlay has been provided in the 12th Plan for upgradation of all the important district and strategic roads. All the semi-permanent wooden bridges are planned to be replaced by permanent RCC bridges within the 12 Plan period,” he added.
In addition, Marak informed that another highway connecting Dhubri-Garo Hills and Khasi Hillshas been approved by the MORTH, Government of India adding apart from the construction of Shillong Nongstoin Tura road and Sanction for Dhubri Garo Hills and Khasi Hills road, the wooden bridges which were supposed to be replaced by RCC bridges were not taken up.
“This is because the monitoring committee meetings were not held in every 6 months as agreed in the meetings,” he said while further alleging that the Agreed Text for Settlement was violated at various levels by the previous government and still continue to be sidelined.
“The road connectivity in Garo Hills would not have been affected by floods if the agreement was implemented in true spirit,” he asserted.
He added, “BJP took the initiative to settle the revolutionary movements in Garo Hills with hope to develop the area but only change visible is in social media campaigns but the people in general did not benefit much due to failure to initiate monitoring committee meetings as agreed.”
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