BRO partners with IIT Delhi to reduce carbon footprint in road construction

The Border Roads Organization (BRO) is embarking on a significant research initiative focused on sustainability in road construction to reduce carbon emissions associated with the road-building process.
Headquarters Research & Development Establishment (HQ R&D Estt), Shillong, a key research wing of BRO, has entered into a partnership with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi to study and reduce the carbon footprint in road infrastructure projects.
Rajeev Dua, Chief Engineer of HQ R&D Estt, Shillong, announced that the organization has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Prof Hussain Kanchwala and Dr Geetam Tiwari from IIT Delhi. The MoU is focused on developing strategies and tools to minimize the carbon emissions generated during the construction of roads across the country.
The research is expected to span 24 months and will result in the development of a computer-based tool that will assist agencies in planning road construction with a reduced carbon footprint. Once finalized and approved by the Indian Roads Congress (IRC), this tool will be made available to various road construction agencies nationwide.
The BRO, which operates under the Ministry of Defence, is known for its crucial role in developing road infrastructure in India’s border areas, where challenging terrains and extreme weather conditions often demand innovative technologies and materials.
This new initiative aligns with the organization’s ongoing efforts to enhance construction efficiency while also addressing the global imperative of reducing environmental impact.
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