Bullfight banned in East Jaintia Hills

The District Magistrate, East Jaintia Hills District, E Kharmalki has banned bullfighting in the entire district in order to prevent the surge of COVID-19 cases.
This is in exercise of the powers conferred upon section 144 CrPC read together with section 51 to 60 of the Disaster Management Act 2002 and Section 188 IPC.
According to the order, it is learnt some unknown organizations have flouted all norms and order imposed by the Government relating to restriction of social gathering in the state in general and in the district in particular by clandestinely organizing bullfight events (latur Masi) in various locations in the District.
Such events, programmes etc conducted by these organization are detrimental to public health in the present Covid situation and are in gross violation of the Orders passed Government restricting all kinds of social gathering be it social, religious etc, the order said.
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