Car wash & stationery shops to open in West Jaintia Hills

The District Magistrate, West Jaintia Hills in an order issued has allowed from 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM operation of Authorised Car Wash Units who have renewed Environment Clearance from Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board, Shillong and opening of stationery shops identified by the respective Headmen, Wholesales on Tuesday and Friday and Retails on Wednesday and Saturday.
In addition, the District Magistrate has instructed the public to strictly maintain Social Distancing of at least I meter or 6 ft, not to overcrowd in one area or shop, to wear mask, not to spit in public places and to cooperate with the management made by the District Administration, District Police and Headman.
According to the order if there is violation offenders will be punishable as under Section 51(b) of the Disaster Management Act, 2005.
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