Was Meghalaya Truly Prepared for Covid-19?
Up until 12th April 2020, which also happened to be Easter Sunday, the mood in Meghalaya had been generally optimistic. There were no Covid-19 cases ...
Up until 12th April 2020, which also happened to be Easter Sunday, the mood in Meghalaya had been generally optimistic. There were no Covid-19 cases ...
Naka liang jong ngi kum ki sengbhalang ngi la pyndep la ka bynta bad ngi la shim ia lyngti ban kyrsiew thiah, ban ai jingmut bad ban iasnohktilang bad ...
When we talk of Elementary School teachers working under budget head of "Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan" erstwhile Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) in our state ...
Ka Jingran dien jong ki Pulit Meghalaya naka ktem shipor kaba ki sah ha shnong Psiar shaduh sha shnong Sahsniang ka pyni ba ka Sorkar Jylla kala ...
Kum uwei naki riew paidbah uba long ruh hakajuh ka por u nongshong shnong jong ka jylla Meghalaya nga sngew dei ban pynpaw iaka jingpyrshah kaba jur ...
Na ka jingpynthei bom jong ki ’riew pyntriem ba khieñduh ha kane ka Easter Sunday ba la dep ha Sri Lanka, ka AJYWO Central Body, ka la dawa jur na ka ...
CoMSO strongly condemn the declaration of the BJP through its released Manifesto that if voted to power it will introduce and implement CAB. This ...
In our State of Meghalaya, the 12541 Elementary Teachers recruited under budget head of Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and teaching in 2907 Lower ...
I am amused by the narrative being circulated by the UDP and other parties who are hand in glove with the conspirators, the BJP with an attempt to ...