Celebrating Nurse’s day amidst fight against COVID-19

Ivory Kharduit, President TNAI, Meghalaya State Branch commended the nurses working in Government and Private Hospitals “for their dedicated work you do everyday to achieve good health and life for everyone.”
According to Kharduit, 12th May is celebrated as the International Nurses Day to commemorate the birth of Florence Nightingale.
The ICN has given the theme for this year 2020 as “NURSES: A VOICE TO LEAD – NURSING THE WORLD TO HEALTH”.
This year is extra special because the WHO has designated 2020 as ” THE YEAR OF THE NURSE AND MIDWIFE” because it is the 200th birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale.
This year has raised the exciting prospect of nurses finally being recognized for all the good that they do. All around the world nurses are working tirelessly to provide the care and attention people need, whenever and wherever they need it.

“This year, we all are facing a really difficult time in our lives, whether at home or in our workplaces. Today as we celebrate the Nurse’s day in the midst of hardships that we encounter I salute all the nurses, especially the COVID 19 warriors, or those who work very hard at their own levels or areas,” Kharduit said
Not forgetting the Student Nurses too who at this time have also lend a helping hand to help during this pandemic, she added.

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