Children lured into drugs & used as drug peddlers in West Jaintia Hills
In an alarming revelation, Deputy Superintendent of Police, West Jaintia Hills District M J Marngar informed that the Anti-Narcotics Task Forces (ANTF) detected the utilization of children as drug peddlers in many cases after they were lured into drugs by the habitual drug traffickers.
He also informed that the age limit of drug abusers is 12 years old to 50 years old. He said there were many incidents where the Anti-Narcotics Task Force found children being used as peddlers.

“Drugs are not just a problem for Jowai or the country but it’s a global problem that we can only fight together as one,” Marngar told a gathering at the closing programme of the targetted Nationwide Nasha Mukt Bharat Campaign at Tpep-Pale Community Hall, Jowai on Saturday.

Organized by the District Level Nasha Mukht Bharat Campaign Committee in collaboration with the Department of Health, Manbha Foundation, Society for Urban and Rural Employment, Industrial &Institutional Ministry KJP Synod Mihngi, Mihmyntdu Community & Social Welfare Association and Scope Foundation Mukhla.
The campaign is an 8-month long programme launched by the Union Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry to spread awareness and create solutions for drug abuse focusing on 272 districts that are most affected including West Jaintia Hills District (WJHD) and it began in September last year.

Speaking as a Chief Guest, Additional Deputy Commissioner, West Jaintia Hills District, L. Kynjing lamented, “the image of Jaintia people has been disgraced as the word ‘Pun’ which was earlier used to identify the Jaintia People as ‘good businessman’ is now being referred to a drug peddler.”
He informed that the Nasha Mukt Bharat Campaign is one way to raise awareness about the negative effects of substance abuse, develop solutions, and intervene to help a person overcome addiction.
Speaking about the positive response to the campaign, Dr J N Shullai, Project Director of Mihmyntdu Community & Social Welfare Association, stated that there is a need for a de-addiction centre in the district to assist clients in controlling their drug addiction. She also added that the highest used drug in the district is heroin.
Others who spoke included the Director of Manbha foundation- Anthony Syiemiong, President of Synjuk Waheh Chnong Alan Niangti, Secretary Industrial &Institutional Ministry KJP Synod Mihngi Rev. L. O. Garod.

Proposing a vote of thanks, District Social Welfare Officer J. Synnah said, “we are sitting on an atom bomb of drugs after the realisation of the increasing number of drug abusers encountered in the district.” She informed that there were 300 participants for the marathon that was held before the closing ceremony.
Prizes distributions for the marathon of all categories, poetry competition, drawing competition were also held.

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