Citizens of West Jaintia Hills cursed with seven hours power cuts daily

The people of West Jaintia Hills District are cursed with seven hours of power cuts daily whereas other parts of Meghalaya have power cuts for barely two or three hours daily.
According to load shedding schedule, the people of West Jaintia Hills receiving power supplies from Mustem Sub Station are subjected to two timing of power cuts from 12 am to 5 am and again from 12pm to 2pm.
Besides the loading shedding of seven hours, the people of the said district suffered from unnotified power cuts for one or two hours now and then.
Notably during a press meets in the month of May this year, Deputy Chief Minister in-charge Power Prestone Tynsong attributed the load-shedding due to the fact that the Water Level in Umiam Lake has gradually decreased.
He also acknowledged that they are now relying on Myntdu Leshka power project located under Amlarem Sub Division.
However according to M.Rymbai Chief Engineer (c), Hydro planning & Hydro construction, Me.P.G.C.L. Shillong, “due to incessant rainfall during the last few days the water level of the Umiam reservoir has risen upto 3205.30ft. at 8.00 am, on the 17.06.2022”

The radial gates of the Umiam concrete dam may have to be opened at any time during this monsoon to allow the flood water pass.
The load shedding schedule reads two hours each power cut from 10 am to 12 pm for four sub stations namely Nongstoin, Khliehriat, Mawlai and Mawlyngdep.
Two hours each load shedding from 12 pm to 2 pm for two sub stations namely Mawphlang and Cherra.
While only one hour each power cuts from 1pm to 2pm for areas under two sub stations namely NEIGRIHMS and NEHU.
Similarly arrangement of one hour each power cut from 1 am to 2 am were for two sub stations viz Mawlai and Mawphlang.
Again for two sub stations namely Lumshnong and NEHU, they get another power cut for one hour each from 2am to 3am.
The authority concerned scheduled a three hours each power outage for both EPIP-I and EPIP -II from 2pm to 5 pm.
Besides power cut of two hours each from 4 pm to 6 pm for three sub stations viz Umiam, Lumshnong and Stage III.
Two hours each power cut from 3am to 5am in four sub stations under Garo Hills region namely Ampati, Nongabira, Mendipathar and Rongkhon.
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