Class XII students need to register & compete for Common University Entrance Test to continue further studies

The Meghalaya Education Department on Friday informed the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) (UG) 2022) introduced for admission into all UG Programmes in all Central Universities for academic session 2022-23 under the Ministry of Education, (MoE) is applicable in Meghalaya.
The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) will provide a common platform and equal opportunities to candidates across the country, especially those from rural and other remote areas and help establish better connect with the Universities.
A single examination will enable the Candidates to cover a wide outreach and be part of the admissions process to various Central Universities.
A deliberation and threadbare discussion was taken up on Thursday in NEHU, Shillong under the Chairmanship of L Rymbui Minister of Education, Meghalaya in presence of Vice Chancellor, Pro-Vice Chancellor and other prominent Professors of the esteemed University along with distinguish College Principals and College Professors of Meghalaya.
In the deliberation it was reiterated that there is a prerequisite to ensure that Principals of Higher Secondary Schools from across the State need to be taken onboard and to brief them about the concept and procedure of CUET and create a general awareness to students, parents and all stakeholders to equip them with the technicalities of the test before they embark on the UG Programs on various colleges.
The department urged all College Principals to extend their expertise on CUET and share with the Higher Secondary Schools within their areas/District/Sub-Division/Municipality/etc., for widespread information.
All the Joint Director of School Education && Literacy, Joint Dircctor of Higher &
Technical Education, Meghalaya and all the District School Education & Literacy to take this opportunity and connect with the collcges and universities within their jurisdiction for organising awareness campaign.
Thank you