Collect the uncollected garbage and disposed off as per law: High Court to JMB & JHADC

Coming to rescue of people of Jowai Town who were adversely affected by the large junks of garbage accumulated in several parts of the Town, the High Court of Meghalaya on Tuesday ordered the Jowai Municipal Board (JMB) and the Jaintia Hills Autonomous District Council (JHADC) to collect the uncollected garbage and to ensure its appropriate disposal in accordance with law.
The order issued by the High Court in the trial of Public Interest Litigation No 6/2022, which was filed by the Synjuk Ki Waheh Shnong Jowai against the State of Meghalaya, JHADC, JMB and the Urban Affairs Department on April 7, last.
According to order, the Synjuk Ki Waheh Shnong Jowai complained that household waste and general garbage not being collected in the Jowai urban and has not been collected in the Jowai urban township area from February 4, last.
Photographs of the garbage uncollected in several parts of Jowai Town were presented during the trial, the Court said that the photographs revealed a nasty state of affairs. They also appealed for regular garbage collection and efficient waste disposal system. The Court also fixed the next hearing on April 20, next.
In the petition, the Synjuk informed due to inadequacy of the JJMB in providing their civic services, the general public out of agitation has been rampantly dumping their household garbage opposite the gate of the Deputy Commissioner’s Office, Thomas Jones College, Iawmusiang market, Iew Thymme (New Market) at Ladthalaboh.
The dumping of the garbage in these areas, which is on the road side and adjacent to the college, office, markets has greatly affected the health and environment of the general public who have to pass through the same, purchase essential goods, editable items, from the markets which are adjacent to the market place as well attend their office and college etc. There has also been sightings of the dumping of household waste in areas near the Mihmyntdu River, which is a river of scenic beauty and a tourist destination located within the district.
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