Containment order lifted in Jowai
West Jaintia Hills District Magistrate Garod LSN Dykes has lifted the containment order which was placed earlier at Dowel Petrol Pump, Riat Ladthadlaboh and building of Harbiancy Lamar, KNB Road, Iawmusiang, Jowai.
“The containment order was lifted based on the report received from the Health & Family Welfare Department, West Jaintia Hills that the contact tracing exercise conducted by the Contact Tracing Team and also Behaviour Change Management Training has been completed,” Garod said in an order issued here on Wednesday

The District Magistrate has further informed that the declaring of the above area as a containment area has been lifted under the following condition:
The Village COVID-19 Management Committee, Ladthalaboh and Tympang Iawmusiang in coordination with the District Administration, Jowai Municipal Board and District Surveillance Officer will monitor behavioural change amongst the residents to adopt to the new norms of living with COVID-19 which includes mandatory wearing of face Masks in public spaces, maintaining physical distancing and regular hand hygiene.
The members of public are requested to strictly adhere to the following advisories, maintaining social distancing of at least 2 meters (6 feet), Not to overcrowd in one area/shop, to wear mask, not to spit in public places, to propagate personal hygiene, cleaning of houses and surroundings, not to litter garbage but to dispose of the same as per protocol and direction of the Village authority.
To wash hands with soap/sanitizer regularly, Shop Owners to sanitize & clean shops/ surroundings on a daily basis, to cooperate with the arrangement made by the District Administration, Police and Village Authority.
In addition, the District Magistrate has directed all residents to follow Government advisories and other health protocols and Prohibitory Orders of the District.
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