Coronavirus: 39 more tested COVID-19 positive in East Jaiñtia Hills, Star Cement declared micro containment zone
As many as 39 more people have been tested COVID-19 positive in East Jaintia Hills District. With this, the total number of COVID-19 positive cases in the district has climbed to 69.
Health & Family Welfare Department, East Jaintia Hills District has reported that there are 39 confirmed COVID-19 positive cases at Star Cement who were the high risk contacts of an index case who tested COVID-19 positive today the 8th September, 2020.

The District Administration, East Jaintia Hills District has sealed the Star Cement premises and declared it as micro containment zone to complete the contact tracing to those who have been in contact with the index cases and to conduct Antigen test/RTPCR Test to all High Risk contacts as well to the Low Risk contacts.
The particular location/zone which has been sealed includes:
1. Old mines office area.
2. CMCL School area.
3. Hospital area.
4. Residential area.
5. Driver rest room area.
6. Labour colony area.
The order restrict unregulated entry and exit movement to the affected residents of the above area/zone from 8th September, 2020 Mid night to 6: 00 AM of the 11 September, 2020 which require aggressive contact tracing, quarantine, testing and isolation as well as containment in the interest of health of the general public against any possible spread of COVID- 19.
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