Covid, covid, covid,
The day you walked into our lives,
We knew, we were in for a big surprise!
You fooled us all with your invisibility,
And made us suffer, tremendously.
Covid, covid, covid,
You are insanely toxic,
You made everyone sick
And swept the earth, with your black magic!
Of course, we did not know,
That we were fighting a ‘silent foe’.

Covid, covid, covid,
You took away precious, innocent lives,
Young or old, rich or poor,
You had shut down all doors.
What have we done to deserve your wrath?
Because of you, the whole world is sad!
Covid, covid, covid,
Because of you, the roads are empty,
And people cannot move freely.
Because of you, everyone is wearing a mask,
Which is not an easy task.
Because of you, we cannot have fun,
Or shake hands with our beloved ones.
Because of you, we have to maintain social distancing,
For if we do not, we will all sink!
Covid, covid, covid,
When are you going to leave us?
Because we are all, at a huge loss.
What shall we do to make you disappear?
For we do not want to live in fear.
Covid, covid, covid,
You may think that you are mighty and forceful,
But don’t forget that we are also powerful.
We will always keep on fighting and striving,
Till we win the battle.
Covid, covid, covid,
We will never let you stay for long,
Here, in Shillong.
We will drive you away from our memories,
Our city and country,
And forever, we will be, Covid free!
Great mam…?
It’s surprising that inspite of your hectic schedule, you have time to pen down such a true poem.
It’s wonderful Madam.?It’s an inspiration.