COVID-19 CC reactivated in East Jaintia Hills

The Deputy Commissioner, East Jaintia Hills District on Friday informed that the COVID-19 Coordination Committee for each Assembly Constituency in the District has been re-activated in order to support for mobilization of target groups for COVID-19 Vaccination programme and the need to maximize sensitization on behavioral change management and COVID appropriate behavior. The committee will also ensure proper containment measure during the surge in cases of COVID-19 in the District.
The Committee consists of a Member of the Legislative Assembly as the Chairperson, the Deputy Commissioner/Addl. Deputy Commissioner /Block Development Officer as the Convener and Member Secretary, the District Medical and Health Officer and the Superintendent of Police as the members of the committee.
According to the Notification, the roles and responsibilities of COVID-19 Coordination Committees is to assess the prevailing situation on the ground in terms of COVID -19 in their respective constituencies and coordinate with the District Administration. They will also provide suggestions for effective implementation of health protocols to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Furthermore, the Coordination Committees should sensitize the people about effective Home Management of COVID-19 positive cases and the effectiveness of the same. They should also ensure that every household has an identified, trained caregiver to take care of a COVID-19 positive person.
The notification also states that appropriate steps should be taken by the committees to create awareness on Behavioural Change Management in their respective constituencies and to ensure that people follow health protocols and SOPs as issued by the Health Department from time to time. They should also ensure sensitive support is provided to the people while focusing on removal of fear and stigma through dissemination of correct information and proper messaging.
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