COVID-19 curfew imposed in Shillong, strict containment measures in rural areas | Here’s what’s allowed, what’s not

In order to safeguard the district from an uncontrollable surge in COVID-19 cases, the District Magistrate East Khasi Hills District, Isawanda Laloo, IAS, has promulgate Curfew in Shillong Urban Agglomeration from 5:00 AM of June 14 to 5:00 AM of June 21.
This is in exercise of the powers conferred upon her under section 144 Cr. P.C. read together with Regulation 3 of the Meghalaya Epidemic Diseases, COVID–19 Regulations, 2020.
Areas to be affected:-
- Whole of Municipality area.
- Whole of Cantonment area
- All Census towns areas under Mawlai Block,
- All Census towns areas under Mawpat Block,
- Areas under Mylliem Block from Umshyrpi Bridge upto 7th Mile, Upper Shillong,
- Madanrting, Mawblei, Laitkor, Nongkseh, Umlyngka, Lawsohtun and Mawdiangdiang.
The following Measures will be imposed in Shillong Urban Agglomeration during the period of curfew from 14th of June, 2021 to the 21st of June, 2021:-
Inter and Intra-Movement of person to / from Shillong Urban Agglomeration is not permitted. Vehicles plying without passes will be liable for strict penalties. Any one in defiance of orders is liable for arrest.
Opening of essential shops and non essential shops will be regulated as per this office order No.C&S.2/CVD/2021/ORD/135 dated 12th June, 2021. All shops are required to indicate vaccination status of their staff in the shop premises.
In-situ construction activities are permitted, with due permission from this office.
Political, public, social and religious gatherings including conferences, meetings & trainings, weddings and sporting activities are not permitted.
Home delivery services, e-commerce activities and courier services are permitted and will be regulated via order No.C&S.2/CVD/2021/ORD/137 dated 12th June, 2021.
Only Central Government offices as notified by Home (Political) Department vide Notification No.POL.117/2020/Pt.II/136 dated 28.05.2021 and State Government offices as notified by Personnel & A.R (A) Department vide Notification No.PER.62/2020/57, dated 28.05.2021 are permitted to open, with limited staff.
All Banks and Post offices are permitted to open with limited staff.
Funeral gatherings should be restricted to 10 persons only, with prior permission from this office.
The following strict containment measures will be imposed in rural areas outside Shillong Urban Agglomeration during the period from 14th of June, 2021 to the 21st of June, 2021:-
NIGHT CURFEW will be promulgated under Section 144 CrPC w.e.f 7:00 PM to 5:00 AM in rural areas.
Political, public, social and religious gatherings including conferences, meetings & trainings, weddings and sporting activities are not permitted..
Agricultural activities and MGNREGA activities are permitted.
Opening of essential shops and non essential shops will be regulated by the Sub Divisional Officers (C), Block Development Officers and CCMTs concerned, as per regulation contained in order No.C&S.2/CVD/2021/ORD/136 dated 12th June, 2021.
Construction activities are permitted, with due permission from the Sub Divisional Officers (C) and Block Development Officers concerned. However, inter-village movement of labourers is to be restricted.
Public transport (Local taxis only) may be permitted within the Sub-Divisions by the Sub Divisional Officer (C) in Pynursla and Sohra for movement at 30% strength and only on days of opening of shops and/or for essential purposes only.
International trade will be regulated by the Sub Divisional Officers (C) concerned in consultation with the undersigned.
Banks and Post offices are permitted to open with limited staff.
Funeral gatherings should be restricted to 10 persons only, with prior permission from this office.
Opening of Shops in Rural Areas from June 14 to June 20
Shops dealing with essential items are allowed to open as per the regulated arrangements to be made by the Sub Divisional Officer (C) and the Block Development Officers concerned. This includes shops dealing in livestock feed and agricultural tools and machineries/equipments.
The following non-essential shops are permitted to open and will be regulated by the Sub Divisional Officers (C), Block Development Officers and CCMTs concerned.
Hardware stores and stores dealing in raw materials for construction.
Electrical and electronics shops.
Shops dealing in gas appliances and gas repairing.
Shops that sell, repair and service mobile phones and essential electronic items, and
mobile phone recharging centres.
Computer Store and peripherals.
Automobile workshop and auto spare part shops.
Automobile showrooms for pending deliveries only and on specific request to the Incident Commander.
Furniture Stores.
Stationery, Xerox shops and Photography Studio.
Furniture Workshops.
Shops selling baby clothes.
Agricultural tools and implements.
Optical Store.
Printing press.
Fabrication Units
Florists and nurseries
Tailoring shops for pending orders only.
Book Shops.
Garments and Textiles
- The Sub Divisional Officers (Civil) and Block Development Officers in consultation with
the respective Headmen (Rangbah Shnong) and CCMTs of the respective zones will
regulate opening of essential and non-essential shops in such a way as to ensure no
crowding or congestion. - The Headmen, Market Committee and CCMTs will be responsible for ensuring absolute
adherence to protocols. - Everyone should wear double-masks (3-ply plus cloth mask) or N-95 mask without fail.
- Social distancing of at least 2 metre should be strictly maintained by all.
- People are not permitted to loiter in the market area without any valid reasons.
- Tea shops are strictly prohibited from opening.
- Anyone found violating protocols will be liable for shop-closure or fined.
- All shops will shut by 3pm.
- Movement into Shillong Urban Agglomeration is not permitted without a valid pass. Any
other vehicular movement will be regulated by the SDO (C)/ BDO concerned. - There shall be no overcrowding in one area/shop and people should spend minimum time
in the shop/market area. - All markets/shops should be closed by 3:00 PM.
- Anyone found moving and roaming around without essential reasons is liable to be
punished as per law.
Opening of Shops in Shillong Urban Agglomeration from June 14 to June 20
Identified shops dealing in essential commodities as notified by Incident Commanders under each Zone in Shillong Urban Agglomeration will open as per the following on the days mentioned below:-
Name of the Zones/Blocks | Days of the Week | Timings |
Zone – I (Laitumkhrah PS Areas) | Monday, Wednesday & Friday | 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM |
Zone – II (Laban PS Areas) | Monday, Wednesday & Friday | 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM |
Zone – III (Sadar PS Areas) | Monday, Wednesday & Friday | 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM |
Zone – III (Pasteur Beat House Areas) | Monday, Wednesday & Friday | 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM |
Zone – IV (Lumdiengjri PS Areas) | Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday | 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM |
Zone – V (Rynjah PS Areas and Mawpat Block) | Monday, Wednesday & Friday | 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM |
Zone – VI (Madanrting PS Areas) | Monday, Wednesday & Friday | 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM |
Zone – VII (Mawlai PS Areas and Mawlai Block) | Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday | 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM |
Mylliem C&RD Block | Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday | 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM |
The following non-essential shops are permitted to open in a regulated manner. Applicants may apply to the concerned Incident Commanders or through the Local Headmen / CCMTs
concerned and days for opening will be decided by the Incident Commander concerned:-
Hardware stores and stores dealing in raw materials for construction.
Electrical and electronics shops.
Shops dealing in gas appliances and gas repairing.
Shops that sell, repair and service mobile phones and essential electronic items, and mobile phone recharging centres.
Computer Store and peripherals.
Automobile workshop and auto spare part shops.
Automobile showrooms for pending deliveries only and on specific request to this office.
Furniture Stores.
Stationery, Xerox shops and Photography Studios.
Furniture Workshops.
Shops selling baby clothes.
Agricultural tools and implements.
Pet store & Pet feed.
Printing press.
Optical Stores.
Florists and nurseries
Fabrication Units
Book Shops.
Tailoring shops for pending orders only.
Garments and Shoe Shops only on need-basis and on specific request to the Incident Commander only.
a) Only Stand-Alone Shops are permitted to open and not Complexes/Malls.
b) All shops will place a prominent sign/poster indicating vaccination status of the staff/sales
c) Shops are encouraged to opt for home-delivery of items, whenever possible.
- The Incident Commanders in consultation with the respective Headmen (Rangbah Shnong) and
CCMTs of the respective zones will regulate opening of essential and non-essential shops in
such a way as to ensure no crowding or congestion in and around the shop or market area. - The Headmen, Market Committee and CCMTs will be responsible for ensuring absolute
adherence to protocols. - Everyone should wear double-masks (3-ply plus cloth mask) or N-95 mask without fail.
- Social distancing of at least 2 metre should be strictly maintained by all.
- Tea shops are strictly prohibited from opening.
- People are not permitted to loiter in the market area without any valid reasons.
- Anyone found violating protocols will be liable for shop-closure or fined.
- There shall be no overcrowding in one area/shop and people should spend minimum time in the shop/market area.
- Anyone found moving and roaming around without essential reasons is liable to be punished as per law.
Adequate stock is available and is being closely monitored by this office. Essential stores will continue to open on a regulated fashion notwithstanding any containment/lockdown order. Hence, there is no need to panic or rush to the markets.
Curfew Exemptions:
- Health services including emergency services and vaccination. Person(s) moving for vaccination should be able to produce proof of COWIN registration and slot booking.
- Medicines and Pharmaceuticals
- Movement of essential goods.
- Movement for medical emergencies.
- Persons travelling on Essential Government duty viz.,
- Medical Teams and officials on COVID-19 Duty.
- Police, Security and Armed Forces
- Civil Defence and Home Guards.
- Fire & Emergency Services.
- Electricity.
- Water Supply.
- Municipal Services.
- Public Distribution System.
- Information and Public Relations.
- Telecommunication services.
- Print & Electronic Media.
Petrol pumps.
LPG Distributors.
Essential Veterinary services including feed and fodder movement for livestock for farmers.
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