COVID-19 | MBOSE to conduct pending board exams, academic calendar for remaining year

The state government has asked the Meghalaya Board of School Education (MBOSE) to conduct the pending board’s examinations for four days from May 20, onwards.
In view of the ongoing nationwide lockdown to combat COVID-19, many issues pertaining the education were also discussed during a two-day meeting convened by the education minister Lahkmen Rymbui.
The meeting concluded on Tuesday, with a number of suggestions for examination and quick implementation by the MBOSE.
A letter in this regard was also shot by the Principal Secretary in-charge education DP Wahlang to the MBOSE’s executive chairman MHK Marak for taking necessary actions.

Wahlang informed that it was suggested that the remaining examination will be conducted and planned by MBOSE for May 20 onwards (for four days).
It may be mentioned here that the board’s examinations had to be postponed following the COVID-19 outbreak in the country, last month.
With regards to evaluation of examination papers, the principal secretary said the department will arrange curfew passes for all evaluators immediately so that the process of evaluation can take place.
He said inter-district passes for evaluators who have to come to Shillong from Tura and vice versa will be arranged.
“All evaluation should be completed by May31, including the remaining papers not yet conducted (dates of examination will be fixed keeping this in mind),” Wahlang said.
The meeting also suggested the MBOSE to examine the feasibility of transporting the answer scripts to Shillong for evaluation as the evaluators would not be able to travel to Tura for completing the exercise.
Pertaining to issue of syllabus, the MBOSE has been asked to work closely with officers from Directorate of
Educational Research & Training (DERT) to chart out the academic calendar for the remaining part of the year.
It was also suggested to truncate the summer vacation and puja vacation and make Saturdays half-day functional to cover up the lost time besides to tentatively fix December 15 as last working day and start final examination from the December 16 and complete by December 23.
Further, the MBOSE and DERT were also directed to examine if some part of the Syllabus can be adjusted through self-study method so that the Syllabus will be completed (within the stipulated time).
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