COVID-19: Power Grid donates Rs 10 lakh to NEIGRIHMS

A power generating company has contributed over Rs 10 lakh to the North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS) for purchasing personal protection gears to its frontline responders and healthcare providers in view of COVID-19 pandemic.
A statement issued by the NEIGRIHMS’ Deputy Director (Admn) Dr David T Umdor on Tuesday said M/s Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Regional Headquarter, Shillong, a central PSU under Union Ministry of Power has not just been ensuring uninterrupted 24×7 transmission of power to the Institute, but has contributed a sum of Rs. 10,03,800 to NEIGRIHMS, Shillong towards purchasing of 3690 95% filtering face mask respirator (KN-95 mask) for Rs 4,99,800 and 1 unit of Video
Laryngoscope for Rs 5,04,000 under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative.
It said the NEIGRIHMS is in the forefront of providing healthcare service in this region. In view of emerging COVID-19 situation, doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers are working round the clock during the pandemic, risking their lives.
One of the most important requirement for protecting the frontline responders and healthcare providers in the Hospital, is the 95% filtering face mask respirator/personal protective equipment.
“The Institute is extremely grateful to M/s Power Grid Corporation, for this help at this time. This will go a long way to protect the Front Line Heath Workers and also help the patients with the equipments provided,” the statement added.
Meanwhile, the KN -95 Masks and the Video Laryngoscope was handed over to the department concerned by NEIGRIHMS Director Prof DM Thappa and Deputy Director Dr David T Umdor.
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