COVID-19 | Prohibitory orders imposed in East Jaintia Hills District

In view of the prevailing situation concerning COVID-19 in the State, country and globally and in order to put in place preventive measures, create awareness, to identify and take more stringent steps to ensure social distancing so that the pandemic of COVID-19 is contained, reduced and eliminated in East Jaintia Hills District and Meghalaya by way of ensuring observance of strict protocols of the Advisories issued by Government of Meghalaya in the Health & Family Welfare Department.
The District Magistrate East Jaintia Hills District, Khliehriat has Under Section 144 Cr. P.C read together with Regulation 3 of the Meghalaya Epidemic Diseases, COVID-19 Regulation, 2020 and Guideline No. 5 (i) of Order dated 1st May, 2020 of Government of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs, prohibited the following in East Jaintia Hills District with effect from 1st June, 2020 upto 8th June, 2020 only for timings falling between 5.00 A.M to 9.00 P.M daily.
The Order prohibits Inter District and Inter State movement, any assembly whatsoever and while enforcing this, every individual to mandatorily maintain social distancing of at least 6 (six) feet, wearing of masks, respiratory etiquette should be strictly followed without fail, the various protocols and advisories of the Government in the Health & Family Welfare Department at all.
Activities that are also prohibited includes:
Operation of major and shopping complexes in all commercial locations, cinemas halls, shopping malls, complexes, gymnasium, sports complexes, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theatres, bars and auditorium, assembly halls and similar recreational places, hotels and hospitality services other than those used as quarantines facilities and housing of stranded persons and tourists, opening of restaurants, dairy stalls, tea and food stalls except home delivery and take away, opening of saloons, beauty parlours, spa, other similar rejuvenating centers and all form of contact sports and spectators in sports ground and stadia.
Operation of Educational Institutions, training centers and coaching classes (tuitions) barring online and distance learning, opening of Tent House Shops, religious places of worship to the public including religious congregations, all forms of gathering including social, political, sports, entertainment, academic, cultural and religious functions and moving in public and work places without mask is also prohibited.
In addition, the order prohibits operation of all shops dealing in non-essential items such as garments, apparels, drapes, footwear, gift items, bags, suit case, watches, perfumes, toys, sports gears and equipment, luxury items, TV sets, refrigerator, washing machines and other kitchen appliances, utensils, crockery, house-keeping appliances, grooming gadgets, furniture, carwash, tailoring, laundry and dry cleaners, vehicle accessories, etc.
Also prohibited are movement of persons above 65 years of age, person with comorbidities, pregnant women and children below the age of 10 years in public places beyond individual households except for meeting essential requirements and for health purposes, spitting in public places and consumption of liquor, Paan, Gutka, tobacco, etc, in public places.
Further, incoming additional labour force to in-situ construction activities in Urban areas is prohibited, such activities are to continue with the existing workers on site while maintaining social distancing, wearing of masks, respiratory etiquette and other protocols and advisories of the Government in the Health and Family Welfare Department.
The District Magistrate also said that Transport and Non-Transport Vehicles are regulated, public transport and private transport vehicles with Registration Number ending with 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 will be allowed to ply in every Monday, Wednesday and Friday whereas, for Vehicles with Registration Number ending with 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 they will be allowed to ply on every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. On Sundays, no private or public transport vehicles within the District will be allowed to ply on the road except those with car passes on Official Duties and Emergency Duties.
The vehicles are to strictly utilized only 50% seating capacity, small 4(four) wheelers to ply with 2(two) passengers and for two wheelers pillion rider is not allowed. The driver and passenger are to strictly ensure social distancing wearing of mask at all times, use of gloves, hand sanitizers and to strictly follow all other advisories of Health & Family Welfare Department. Violation of any norms and advisories of the Government in the Health & Family Welfare Department and this Office will be liable to action as per the Law.
Furthermore, movement of vehicles carrying essential goods, security forces, medical equipments and shops for repair of trucks on highways is allowed. However, drivers and attendants of the vehicles shall be subject to medical screening as per laid down protocols.
The prohibitory order also states that operation of permitted supply chains, wholesalers and retail outlets will be regulated as per schedules timings and dates which will be released in advance from time to time by the District Magistrate. Vehicles pass for timings falling between 5.00 AM to 9.00 PM with effect from 1st June, 2020 (Monday) upto 8th June, 2020 (Monday) can be applied offline to the Office of the District Magistrate along with certificate from Headman for such specific needs and requirement.
The Block Development Officer of East Jaintia Hills District will issue vehicle passes to their respective Officers and Staff specifically for official purposes and to private agency (s) under their respective jurisdiction for performing specific permitted economic activities within the District. However, passes for all forms of Inter- District or Inter- State movement shall only be issued by the District Magistrate East Jaintia Hills District.
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