CUET exempted for Meghalaya again, other North Eastern Universities & Uttarkhand
The Union Education Ministry has decided to exempt North Eastern Hills University (NEHU) and other universities in North Eastern Region.
Under Secretary P.K. Singh in a letter vide No. 65-4/2020-CU.II Dated 15 March, 2023 informed the Secretary, University Grants Commission on matter for special consideration for the North Eastern Region for Common University Entrance Test (CUET).

The letter stated that given the geographical conditions, hilly terrain, far flung location, limited digital connectivity, infrastructure etc as impediment in conducting the CUET in North Eastern Regions. Thus the central universities such as Sikkim University, Rajiv Gandhi University, Manipur University, Assam University, Tezpur University, Nagaland University, Tripura University, Mizoram University, NEHU and HNBGU, Uttarakhand was allowed to take admission in the affiliated colleges to the Central University as per the past practice instead of CUET for the year 2022-23.
“Keeping in view the present situation, it has been decided that the above exemption may be extended for one more year for 2023-24,” the letter said.
The UGC is requested to issue necessary notification in this regard, the letter added.
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