Demand for new block in Lumshnong for people of Narpuh areas

Shri. Sniawbhalang Dhar
The Hon’ble Minister,
In-Charge Community and Rural Department,
Government of Meghalaya,
Subject: Memorandum.
Respected Sir,
With reference to the Subject above, the “Narpuh Border Area Joint Action Committee”, a committee comprising of Headmen/Secretaries/Elders of the respective villages falling under Narpuh Border Area and adjoining villages falling under Narpuh Border Area hereby put forth this Memorandum before your esteemed office in relation to appeal and request for creation of a new C & RD Block for Narpuh area at Lumshnong village and the grounds and stipulated facts are laid down as under:-
1. Sir, the Narpuh Border Area Joint Action Committee would like to bring before your kind consideration that the inhabitants of Narpuh Border Area and adjoining villages under Narpuh Border area are located to the far remote area of Meghalaya, borders is shared with Assam and Bangladesh, in terms of travelling distance, the distance from Malidor to Khliehriat is about almost 100 km, the distance from Huroi, Hingaria etc., is unspeakable as the road from these villages is not motorable especially in Monsoon time where the road is more like a paddy filed, making traversing for the people from these particular villages a “Mission Impossible”, Sir the people from our area are mostly farmers who live and depends on farming, the Office of C & RD Block being currently located at Khliehriat is rather a bane for residents from our area and also for the other adjoining areas, Government schemes provided through the C & RD Block, especially like MNGREGS are not easily accessible to the people, the scheme under MNREGS has been a blessing for our people as the villages can be develop in infrastructures and villagers gets employment by working in the implementation of various scheme but the distance and road conditions made it difficult for inhabitants of Narpuh area to visit the C & RD Block Office for request of work under the scheme. Further Sir, as per the census 2011, the number of villages falling under Lumshnong area is 55 villages comprising of population of 45,984 (forty five thousand nine hundred and eighty four) and out of the total population of the area almost 90 % (Ninety percent) of the inhabitants are farmers depending on their everyday survival by working and toiling many hours at their respective farms and gardens but nevertheless the inhabitants of the area are people with kind and humane heart involving themselves in societal life doing their best to improve the society and conditions of their fellow villagers by taking immense interest and playing vital part in the development of each village either through private donations or going around government offices for availing schemes and other benefits but the interest and aspiration of the inhabitants of the area had always been hindered by the fact that government offices are all far off from Narpuh area and commuting to towns and cities is difficult for the inhabitants mainly due to distances, shortage in transport from the respective village and even if the inhabitants managed to reach the office certain days there are no officers and a whole day is wasted for the farmers inhabitants of the area, for whom a day loss of work affects the livelihood.
2. The villages of Narpuh Border area has always lack behind in development and overall progress, this is due to the fact that Government Offices are far of and people from our area finds it very difficult to travel to towns and cities where Government offices are located, a single journey to Khliehriat would cost the poor villagers Rs.1,500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred) only (which is a whole week income of a poor farmer from the area) and if it happen that the Officers are not available or present in Office then a day is wasted, the pocket of the poor farmer is wasted.
3. Sir, the struggle and demand/appeal for setting up a C & RD Block at Lumshnong was not a new cause but it is a struggle that has been started since the year 1996-1997 under the initiative of the All Narpuh Students’ Association, but sadly the C & RD Block was not approved to Lumshnong village at that time and subsequently, it is a sad note that the Narpuh area had always been left behind by every Government, every government officers, the plight of the poor people from the area had not been properly address leaving the area decades behind from other areas in terms of development, education, infrastructure etc.,.
4. That Sir, apart from the above facts mentioned above, it is also to put forth the grounds that how feasible would it be should a C & RD Block is created and set up at Lumshnong village, is altogether explicitly due to the reasons below;
a. That as reiterated above Lumshnong is an ideal location for setting up of a C & RD Block, geographically peaking Lumshnong village location is at the centre for all the villages falling under the Narpuh area, the distance from Malidor the entry point of Meghalaya/East Jaintia Hills District to Lumshnong is about 50-60 km, and the distance from the villages of Huroi and Hingaria etc., can also be cut short making it easy for the villagers o these area to reach the office on time for getting assistance from the staff and availing the various government schemes and benefits while currently as the C & RD Block is at Khliehriat, these particular villages are facing problems as it can be said that it is a two days travel from their village to Khliehriat and most of the villages lack basic amenities as compared to other villages as the incentives and schemes given by Government rarely reach these area, but if a C & RD Block is created at Lumshnong then the villagers can easily travel to the block office and apply for the various schemes, traveling time is easily cut short to just half a day travel from these villages to Lumshnong.
b. Consideration of the appeal for creation of a C & RD Block at Lumshnong will not be a bad decision for the Government as there is availability of land and infrastructure, the Dorbar Shnong of Lumshnong had selflessly promised that it will made available a huge plot of Land alongwith a Multi Storey RCC Building constructed by the Lumshnong village, which building the village of Lumshnong is ready to transfer as a Gift should a C & RD Block be created at Lumshnong, apart from that, there is readily available of water and other necessities, which is a boon for the smooth functioning of the C & RD Block.
c. The readiness of the Dorbar Shnong of Lumshnong to give the huge plot of Land alongwith the Multi Storey RCC Building to the C & RD Block as a gift, should a C & RD Block be created at Lumshnong, is a big alleviate to the Government Treasury and on this note too consideration of the appeal for creation of a C & RD block may be taken into account.
So, Therefore Sir on the light of the above facts and issues “Narpuh Border Area Joint Action Committee” most humbly pray before you to look into the issues highlighted above and be pleased to consider the appeal and plea of the Committee by initiating steps for the creation of a new C & RD Block at Lumshnong as the creation of a C& RD Block at Lumshnong will be beneficial for the village and people of Narpuh Border area, it will help in reducing the development gap in the area as compared to other area, the poor farmers from the area will be benefit in many ways as the C & RD Block can be a gateway to the farmers progress. Further the principle of equity should be also taken in to consideration and based on this principle too and if applying the same in the State in matters of locations of C & RD Block, then the Narpuh area is well deserving of the creation of a new C & RD Block for the area. AND HENCE the Narpuh Border Area Joint Action Committee modestly appeal and insist that a new C & RD Block or the Narpuh area be created at Lumshnong for the betterment and development of the Narpuh area.
Thanking You.
Dated: Shillong,
The 07th June, 2019.
Yours Sincerely
Shri. Daiapherbha Lamare. Shri. Emlangky Lamare
Secretary Chairman
Narpuh Border Area Joint Action Committee Narpuh Border Area Joint Action Committee
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