Distribute rice & cooking cost to students under mid day meal scheme

The state govt has directed the schools to distributed the rice and cooking cost under mid day meal scheme to their respective students.
The government informed that all schools availing Mid-day-Meal Scheme that the cooking cost has been already released to all the schools for a period of 90 (ninety) days on 9th January,2020 for a period from the date of opening of schools which is 15h February, 2020 onwards.
Further, it is also to be informed that the food grain has been already been lifted by the respective wholesalers and released to the school which will be sufficient till the end of April, 2020.
All the schools are therefore directed to distribute the food grains to the students through their parents who may be asked to collect the food grains from their respective schools.

Further, all the schools/Schools Managing Committee’s are also hereby directed to release the cooking cost to the children in cash through their respective parents the amount of which has already been released to them.
The concerned School Managing Committees are hereby directed to strictly comply with the order or face stringent penalties in accordance with the law.
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