District Magistrate prohibits manufacturing & selling of plastic carrying bags in East Jaintia Hills

The District Magistrate, East Jaintia Hill District inform the general public that it has been noted that large scale of plastic bags is used all over the District and disposal of the same is in an unorganized manner resulting to ecological imbalance an environmental hazard. The use of these plastics especially in the form of plastic carry bags less than 40 micron have tremendously increased and since plastic bags and other plastic materials are non- biodegradable , large scale use of such materials is bound to have a long term impact on the environment as a whole.
He also stated that plastic waste from plastic products such as carry bags, pouches or multilayered packaging are discarded in a haphazard manner leading to clogging of drains/ streams / rivers and poses a health hazard to the public in general.
In view of the above, the District Magistrate, East Jaintia Hills District, has promulgated an Order under Section 144 Cr.P.C read with Rule 4 (b) of the new plastic Waste Management Handling Rules, 2011 to prohibit the manufacturing, stocking, distributing or selling of any plastic carrying bags which is less than 50 micron in thickness. The order also prohibits colorant for use in plastics in contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water. Further, carry bags made of recycled plastic or products made of recycled plastic shall not be used for storing, carrying, dispensing or packaging of ready to eat, drink or food stuff.
The order also states that, every retailers or street vendors selling or providing commodities in plastic carrying bags, multilayered packaging, plastic sheets or covers made of plastic sheets which are not manufactured or labelled or marked in accordance with these rules shall be liable to pay fines as specified under the bye-laws of the local bodies.
This order shall come into force with immediate effect and until further Orders.
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