Dorbar Shnong called for re-utilization of Mynkjai dumping site

The Dorbar Chnong of Tympang Iawmusiang on Saturday urged the Meghalaya Govt to direct the District Administration, West Jaintia Hills District and the Jowai Municipal Board to dispose off the garbage at the dumping site belonging to JHADC in Mynkjai under Amlarem Civil Sub Division, which has been used for for the past 40 years and there has been zero effect on the health of the local people surrounding the dumping site
In a letter to the Chief Secretary, the Dorbar Shnong urged the Meghalaya Chief Secretary to intervene on the failure of Jowai Municipal Board to collect garbage from localities including the market areas located within the area Iawmusiang while adding that the Department of Urban Affairs and the District Administration has failed to address this serious problem before it turns into an Environment and Health Disaster
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“As you are aware that the people of Jowai and in particular the residents of Tympang-lawmusiang are facing a serious problem on the failure of the Jowai Municipal Board to collect the garbage from all localities including the market areas located within the area of our locality,” the letter said.
The Dobar Chnong informed that huge garbage have piled up at three locations within their locality and similar situation has been created at one location at lawthymme, Ladthalaboh. This garbage problem has been there since the last four months.
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The letter informed that the saddest state of affairs is the courage of the government machineries in the Department of Urban Affairs to make a mockery of the High Court when during the hearing of the PIL in this regard on the 22nd April 2022 made a tall claim that the garbage has been cleared when the field situation remains the same.
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