Dr Jitender hold review ahead of NEC plenary session in Shillong
The 69th Plenary Session of North Eastern Council (NEC) is being held in Shillong, Meghalaya on January 23 & 24 under the chairmanship of the Union Home Minister Amit Shah.
The meeting would be attended by the MoS (Independent Charge), Ministry of development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) & Vice Chairman, Dr Jitender Singh and members of NEC consisting of the Governors and Chief Ministers of the eight North-Eastern states and other members.
Senior Officials from the States and key Ministries of the Government of India are also expected to be present on the occasion.
MOS (I/C), DoNER Dr Jitender Singh today held a meeting with senior officers of MDoNER and NEC in New Delhi to review the preparedness and modalities for the 69th Plenary Session of NEC at Shillong.

During the two-day session there will be presentations from Ministry of DoNER, NEC, the State Governments as well as selected Central Ministries on various developmental initiatives and future plans for the North East Region.
The Plenary is expected to deliberate on the progress of ongoing projects, confirmation of the proceedings of the 68th Plenary meeting, outlays by Central Ministries in the North Eastern Region and plans for the period beyond March 2021 during the term of the Fifteenth Finance Commission.

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