Dry days within 5 kms of Elaka Nartiang & Shangpung

In partial modification of the order NO. JEX.18/2020/16 dt 15.3.2022 the District Magistrate of West Jaintia Hills on the request of the Joint Secretary Executive Committee & Returning Officer, Dolloiship Election, JHADC and in exercise of power conferred upon him has declared Dry day on 22nd, 23rd March, 2022 being the polling day and on 25th March, 2022 being the counting day in the entire area of Nartiang Elaka and Shangpung Elaka on account of the Dolloiship Election in the Nartiang Elaka and Shangpung Elaka.
All IMFL licensed premises (wholesale and retail sale) Bars, Canteen, Country Spirit shops in the entire area of Nartiang Elaka and Shangpung Elaka and areas within 5 (five) km of Nartiang and Shangpung Elaka shall remain closed on the mentioned dates
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