East Jaintia Hills admin launched weekly podcast

The Deputy Commissioner, East Jaintia Hills District, Khliehriat, Abhilash Baranwal, IAS, on Thursday launched the weekly podcast in the presence of SS Syiemlieh, MCS, Addl. Deputy Commissioner, East Jaintia Hills District, Khliehriat and J Shylla, Addl. Deputy Commissioner, East Jaintia Hills District, Khliehriat, and other officials of the district.
The launching programme was held in the video conference room of the Deputy Commissioner’s Office, Khliehriat.
Deputy Commissioner, Abhilash Baranwal, IAS, said that the idea behind the weekly podcast is to address the critical information gaps pertaining to the state or central government schemes and educate the public about the benefits of such schemes. He also stated that the podcast will be an audio file in a simple format that will be covering every possible information that the citizens need to know about schemes, services, and the roles and responsibilities of every government department in the district, additionally, there will also be sessions on social issues, interactions with sports personalitities and other achievers in different fields in the district.

The Deputy Commissioner further informed that the weekly podcast will also contain information on the benefits of the schemes, eligibility criteria, documents required etc, in order to avail the schemes. “Its information will empower people to come forward and avail the schemes and benefits entitled for them”, he said, while also stating that the weekly podcast in audio format will be hosted on Facebook and Youtube channel (@DCEastJaintiaHills), and circulated to the public through Whatsapp as well. He also requested the media houses to upload the weekly podcast on their channels and social media so that the content reaches out to the maximum audience possible.
It may also be mentioned that the weekly podcast is a novel endeavour and it is hoped that this initiative will reach the last person in the district.

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