East Jaintia Hills: Prohibitory Order U/S 144 CrPC

In view of the prevailing situation concerning COVID-19 in the State, Country and Globally and to put in place preventive measures, create awareness and to identify and take more stringent steps to ensure social distancing so that the pandemic of COVID-19 is contained, reduced and eliminated in East Jaintia Hills District and Meghalaya by way of ensuring observance of strict protocols of the Advisories issued by Government of Meghalaya in the Health & Family Welfare Department.
Also Read | COVID-19 | Prohibitory orders imposed in East Jaintia Hills District
The District Magistrate, East Jaintia Hills District, has under Section 144 Cr. P.C read together with the Fourth Amendment of the Meghalaya Epidemic, COVID-19 Regulation, 2020 and the Guideline 5(i) of the Order issued by the Government of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs, prohibited spitting and use of smokeless tobacco in public places with effect from 2nd June, 2020 in order to curb the spread of Covid- 19 in East Jaintia Hills District.
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