East Jaintia Hills reactivates quarantine centres due to increasing coronavirus cases
The Deputy Commissioner of the East Jaintia Hills District informs the general public that the Tourist Lodge, Diengchynrum, and Umtyra Residential School are to be reactivated as Corona Care Centre and Quarantine Centre, effective immediately till further orders. This due to the increase of Covid-19 pandemic disease cases on a daily basis which has affected lakhs of people in a day.
According to an order, “to control the spread if the disease all the residents of East Jaintia Hills District are requested to kindly take precautionary measures by practicing all the advisories and COVID-19 protocols issued by the Health Department, Government of Meghalaya and limiting to 50% of any public gatherings with the Permission from the office of the Deputy Commissioner, East Jaintia Hills District Khliehriat.”
All Staff/Labourers engaged or involve in the quarantine Centre are directed to adhere to the Protocols as provided by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
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