East Jaintia Hills: Wine shops & Bonded Warehouses permitted to open

The Deputy Commissioner (Excise), East Jaintia Hills District in a press release issued here informs the general public that in pursuance of the Order issued by the Commissioner and Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya Excise, Registration Taxation and Stamp Department, Wine shops and Bonded Warehouses which have renewed their license for the year 2020-21 are permitted to open in East Jaintia Hills District with effect from 08th June, 2020 from 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM for 5(five) days in a week from Monday to Friday.
However, they should strictly comply to the guidelines of the Order which states that Wine Shops and Bonded Warehouse are to open strictly between 9.00 A.M to 4.00 P.M on permitted, the wine shops should be made personally responsible by deploying their staff to ensure social distancing of at least 6(Six) feet from each other and also to ensure that not more than 5(five) persons are present at one time at the Shop. They are to strictly follow all the directives and advisories issued by the Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of Meghalaya with reference to COVID-19 situation.
Furthermore, the wineshops should work with bare minimum staff; all staff should compulsorily wear masks and also provide hand- sanitizers to customers and to other staffs while handling the bottles and cash. In order to strictly avoid overcrowding, staff of a particular wine shop should direct the customer to other nearby wineshops. The wine shops are directed to provide full cooperation to the District Administration, Police and Excise official etc.
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