ECC demands closure of illegal coke factories in EJH

The Environment Co-ordination Committee (ECC) on Thursday demanded immediate closure of illegal coke factories operating in elaka Sutnga under East Jaintia Hills district.
In a complaint submitted to the deputy commissioner of the district, ECC convener Rieweh Kupar Sutnga said, “We request your immediate intervention and we demand immediate shut down of these factories (which have sprung up illegally in Elaka Sutnga).”
He said the waste and toxic emission from these factories without prior treatment are hazardous to the health of the general population residing nearby.
Quoting an RTI finding, Sutnga said a notification issued by the Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board (MSPCB) on March 17, this year stated that only 5 coke plants in the district have obtained CTO and the reste are operating without CTO.
The RTI further revealed that only 12 out of 36 coke plants have been granted CTE by MSPCB while the rest have established their coke plants illegally, he added.

According to him, the coke plants are violating all the norms and guidelines issued by the Board via notification issued on December 23, last year for establishment of coke plants.
The convener said the organization is deeply concerned about the potential short term and long-term impact of the coke factories on emission of the dangerous greenhouse gases during the process of burning and combustion of the coal like Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Sulphur Oxide, Smoke Particles and many more.
“What have the residents around different villages already symptoms of and experienced at the very early stage, like headache, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, confusion, and irritability.
Continues exposure can lead to respiratory tract infection, vomiting, loss consciousness, brain damage, heart irregularity, breathing difficulty, muscle weakness, abortion and even death,” he said.
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