Education minister urges teachers to render support to students

Education Minister Lahkmen Rymbui on Wednesday urged all head of institutions and teachers to continue teaching students via e-learning and using apps like Google Classroom, Zoom app, partnering with local startup or using email and WhatsApp to send assignments.
In a heartfelt message, the minister thanked all the head of institutions for their support to the government during the lockdown due to COVID-19 Pandemic and requested them to render support to all students and teachers.
The minister highlighted the importance of using online platforms for teaching. “At this time of social distancing, classroom teaching is not feasible but we now have strong digital infrastructure, e-learning and virtual knowledge sharing platforms. These allow us to continue teaching and guiding students. Our students are our top priority,” he emphasized.
He also urged teachers to use this time to innovate and find means to connect with students and to continue teaching and render support to the students who, “must be tense and worried about how they will now be able to cope with their syllabus or the anxiety they might be experiencing because of everything that is going on.”

“I know that a teacher’s job is never easy and I sincerely appreciate all these efforts,” he said.
The Education Minister also lauded efforts by several institutes already using virtual aid and said that it was important that these facilities are expanded to include all educational institutes and by reach to all students.
He informed that the Education Department has partnered with a local startup organization for the purpose and the response has been encouraging. “I urge all institution to initiate this exercise and utilize the App for online learning,” he said.
Further he added that, “from the department side, we have endeavored our best to release all pending salaries on time including school grants, uniform grants for the students.”
Meanwhile, Rymbui, also shared a message for parents and students amidst the lockdown due to COVID-19 outbreak.
He urged parents to spend quality time with their children and students to continue with their studying, complete assignments and learn new skills.
“The Covid-19 pandemic has caused us to experience the unexpected, perhaps something we have only heard or read about. A month has passed and we still don’t know for how long it will continue…I understand the pain, anxiety and suffering that everyone is experiencing but the one thing I can say with confidence is that we will all come out of this stronger, more resilient and better prepared,” Rymbui stated.
Addressing all parents, the minister said, “Ordinarily, we, as parents, are so busy with our regular jobs that we spend less quality time with our families. Use this time to do family activities, learning and interacting with the children, and encouraging their learning activities. Create a positive environment.”
He also said that it was very important to teach children moral values so that they may learn to respect the environment and their surroundings.
“Let’s move away from the head learning process but also teach your children a life skill especially learning how to cook or just working in the kitchen this will help them survive in any situation when they have learnt to sustain and take care of themselves,” the minister said.
In his letter, the minister urged students to devote certain hours to go through books, complete assignments and to learn new activities and spend time wisely.
“Learning is a continuous process so you have to keep studying…Let’s hope that when this phase is passed you would have learnt a new life skill maybe gardening or any household chore of your interest or even a new hobby,” he said.
On the issue of pending examinations, he said that that they are planning out a strategy so that students stranded outside are not left out.
“My advice to you all is to be hopeful and have faith that this will all end. We should be able to come out of the situation on a positive note. The pandemic has taught us to appreciate the things that we’ve always taken for granted,” the minister stated.
Lastly he stated that the pandemic has taught us the value of life. “By staying home we are not only saving ourselves but our entire community. Do your bit to conquer and defeat this deadly virus that has taken over the world,” he requested.
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